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Friday, April 9, 2010

“When Every Moment Is Precious” - Lo Sih’yeh Meshakeilah

NEW!!!“When Every Moment Is Precious”.
Does it really bother G-d when we sin?
Is serving G-d out of fear sufficient?
When is a desire to do a Mitzvah not good?
What effect does prayer have on the person?
Which sickness can there be when one is blessed by G-d and what is the cure?
These are some of the deep issues discussed in “When Every Moment Is Precious”. The original Yiddish discourse titled Lo Sih’yeh Meshakeilah was delivered by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Parshat Mishpatim 5712 (1952)
Translated and annotated by Rabbis Eli Touger, Aron Raskin and Sholm Ber Wineberg.
Published by SIE
Hardcover 80 pages.
Contact to order.

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