The vaad Mivtza Bayis Molei Seforim is not a store but an organization to promote buying seforim. We can arrange a good price for you by using our international contacts in the seforim world. If there is a specific sefer that you would like please email Keep in mind that this blog is only meant to update you on the latest deals. Old posts do not indicate current price.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Set Shulchan Aruch Friedman Edition 24 volumes $730
Set Maharal of Prague $244
Set Otzar Meforshei Hatalmud $312
Set Ramban Al HaTorah $76
Set Shu"t Noda Beyehuda $59
Set T’shuvos HaRishonim $249
Set T’shuvos HaRashba $98