The vaad Mivtza Bayis Molei Seforim is not a store but an organization to promote buying seforim. We can arrange a good price for you by using our international contacts in the seforim world. If there is a specific sefer that you would like please email Keep in mind that this blog is only meant to update you on the latest deals. Old posts do not indicate current price.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Meleches Shabbos - Super Sale!

Pictorial guide of the 39 Melochos.
$21.00 item now on sale for $10.00!!! (+S&H)

Amazing Chosson Shas deal!

This brand new edition displays a unique full typesetting on the whole daf, including Rashi and Tosfos printed on beautiful deluxe paper. Bold rashi divrei hamaschil. Each amud contains haguos vtziunum on the bottom which aids in finding important mefarshim on the sugya. Binded with p.u. for a royal look and durability.
Grab this item while the sale lasts!
Only $400!!!!!!!! (+S&H)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Special sale on new Basi Legani 2 volumes

Talmidei Hatmimim and chavrei Hakolel can get the new 2 volume Basi Legani set for $25.00 @ the Vaad.
Contact us @ for more info.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

5 Teves Sale!

Pictures of most items can be found in older posts on this blog
ה' טבת שנת 770


$40.00 מק"ג המאיר לישראל
$26.00 רגיל המאיר לישראל
$12.00 שניים מקרא ב"כ
$70.00 זכר חנוך


$255.00 רשבא קוק
$265.00 ריטבא קוק
$95.00 רן קוק
$105.00 תוספות הראש
$40.00 רשבא ה"כ
$42.00 ריטבא ד"כ
$36.00 תוספות הראש בינוני
$60.00 מאירי בינוני

$45.00 שיטה מקובצת ו"כ
$38.00 פני יהושע
$22.00 שב שמעתתא מבוארת ב"כ
$ 48.00 חתם סופר
$22.00 קובץ שיעורים ב"כ
$35.00 קצות ב"כ


$31.00 משנה ברורה ו"כ
$78.00 לבוש
$47.00 מנחת חינוך
$370.00 נטעי גבריאל סעט
$60.00 פסקי תשובות ה"כ
$23.00 שמירת שבת ב"כ
$19.00 המועדים בהלכה ב"כ

$92.00 קהתי
$21.00 המאיר לישראל ג"כ
$6.00 ניס


$22.00 תנחומא
$28.00 נציב - ספרי
$14.00 NEW!! אגדה

דברי ימי ישראל:

$23.00 סדר הדורות
$10.00 שם הגדולים
$16.00 אבותינו
$16.00 רבותינו
$20.00 יוסיפין ב"כ
$16.00 שמות חכמים
$ אלף דור

: סעט

$450.00 אנציקלופדי' תלמודית סעט
$73.00 מהר"ל י"ח כרכים
$36.00 חסידות מבוארת ג"כ


$78.00 פאר והדר
$170.00 המאור


$80.00 מנחת יצחק
$90.00 אגרות משה
$50.00 רב פעלים
$160.00 ציץ אליעזר
$32.00 חכם צבי ב"כ
$190.00 שבט הלוי
$68.00 אז נדברו
$11.00 שאגת ארי
$14.00 אחיעזר ב"כ
$6.00 מן השמים
$55.00 נודע ביהודה


$115.00 רמב"ם לעם
$46.00 שי למורא
$265.00 רמב"ם פרענקל בינוני
$360.00 גדול “
$ 55.00 כללת יופי

מפרשי התורה:

$45.00 אברבנאל ה"כ
$49.00 רבינו בחיי קוק
$26.00 רמבן קוק
$39.00 אבן עזרא קוק
$51.00 חתם סופר ה"כ
$150.00 ספר הפרשיות י"כ
$30.00 אלשיך
$23.00 NEW!! תורת ר' יונתן
$65.00 כמוצא שלל רב ה"כ
$68.00 מנחת אשר ה"כ
$45.00 צפנת פענח

$20.00 ג"כ
$260.00 מתוק מדבש גדול
$170.00 קטן “

English Titles:

$85.00 39 Melochos Set
$49.00 Book of our Heritage 3 Vol. Large H/C
$11.00 From My Father's Shabbos Table
$28.00 Kitzur Shulchon oruch (Touger) 2 vols
$700.00 Complete Set of Torah Anthology 45 volumes
$38 Hayom Yom (SIE)

While Supplies Last; Prices subject to change without prior notice



Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Set Shulchan Aruch Friedman Edition 24 volumes $730
Set Maharal of Prague $244
Set Otzar Meforshei Hatalmud $312
Set Ramban Al HaTorah $76
Set Shu"t Noda Beyehuda $59
Set T’shuvos HaRishonim $249
Set T’shuvos HaRashba $98

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

13 Elul 5769 - 100th Hilula of the Ben Ish Hai

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the passing of the Ben Ish Chai we offer you the set Benayahu - Ben Yehoyada Al Hashas for only $45! (plus S&H)

Also available are a limited amount of :
- Peninei ben Ish Chai Moadim 3 volumes for $45

- Ben ish Chai Halachot for $11 (large) or $7 (medium)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Shatnez picture book

Brand new picture books on the laws of Shatnez.
Discusses couches, tefillin bags, gloves, shoes and many other items you never thought might have a shatnez issue.

Only $19!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Kosher Kitchen

The Kosher Kitchen by Rabbi Binyomin Forst

Among the many topics discussed:
A utensil-by-utensil overview of the kitchen
The special status of parve foods in halachah
Common kashrus problems - recognizing, avoiding, and dealing with them
Microwaves, ovens and dishwashers
Non-Jewish housekeepers and cleaning help
The parameters of Pas Akum, Chalav Akum, and Gevinas Akum
Kashering utensils
A comprehensive “tevilah” chart showing which utensils need immersion
The Kosher Kitchen: Practical. Comprehensive. And absolutely vital.

575 pages

Now only $24!!!

The Hirsch Chumash - Devarim NEW!

Over 800 pages of Rabbiner Hirsch's insights on the book of Devarim.
Only $31.50!
Publishes by Feldheim

Shu"t Noda Biyehuda - Machon Yerushalayim

Shu"t Noda Biyehuda - Machon Yerushalayim complete set in a new, smaller, edition.

Only $60!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Encyclopedia Talmudit 30 vols

Encyclopedia Talmudit 30 vols (28 regular vols plus mafteach)

Note: This is the larger size. The small size is no longer in print and the company says they do not intend to reprint it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Recession Buster Chumash Set! ONLY $40!!!!

New Chumash Mikraos Gedolos only $40!!
Clear new print.
Contains all meforshim other mikraos gedolos sets have.
Binding maybe not as strong as the competition's $90 set.

Rambam Le'am $135

Rambam Le'am black and white cover printed by Mosad Harav Kook.

Our $135 deal is still cheaper than the cheapest advertized price on Chemed's red cover sets.

Cheapest B&W online is $160 down from $170 before we posted our signs.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Matan Torah sales - extended!!!

Latest deals in honor of Matan Torah EXTENDED!!!

Kehati Mishnayos $88!!!!
Nach Mikro'os Gedolos (with malbim) - Hameir leyisroel $68!!
Shulchan Aruch habohir - Godol $270!!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

The 39 Melochos BACK!


Thursday, May 21, 2009



$29 Hard Cover Small

$39 Soft Cover Large

$49 Hard Cover Large

Monday, May 18, 2009

Shmiras Shabbos

2 vols $22!!!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Minchas Chinuch 3 vols $43!!!!
Yam Shel Shlomo 4 vols $29 !!!!!
Chidushei hame'iri 7 vols $49!!!!
Rabenu Bechaye (menukad) 2 vols $12 !!!! sold out
Shagas Arye $ 9!!!!!!
Rashba 7 vols (Even Yisroel) $ 60!!!!
Or Sameach al harambam 4 vols $39!!!
Shmiras haguf vehanefesh 2 vols $20!!!
Baal Shem Tov al hatorah 2 vols $ 15!!!
Or hachaim (menukad) 2 vols $12!!!
Chovas halevovos (medium) 2 vols $15!!!
Me'il tzedakah (collection of all mamorei chazal on this topic) 2 vols $14!!
Shita Mekubetses 6vols (Blum) $ 36!!!
Pocket size Mishna Kehati $70 !!!!
Mayono Shel Torah 5 vols $20!!!!!
Yosifun 2 vols $20!!!!
Zohar vilna 3 vols $ 20!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009


The yearly Mosad Harav Kook sale in Israel has very little impact on the price of their items in the US. All the big seforim dealers buy their stock for the year during the sale or make sure to receive the same deals later in the year.
Unfortunately there are people trying to take advantage of the uninformed consumer and you might come across 'special deals' and 'sales'.
The vaad did some research for you and found the best prices to be as follows:

Rashbo 18 vols $220
Ritvo 20 vols $265
Ran 8 vols $90
Tosfos Harosh 10 vols $105
Kisve Ramban 2 vols $28
Kisve Rabenu Bechaye $13
Minhage Yisrael 8 vols $70
Ibn Ezra 3 vols $38
Rabenu Bechaye - Torah 3 vols $ 40
Otsar ha'agda 3 vols $ 45
Michlol 3 vols $48
Ramban - torah 2 vols $28
Moreh nevuchim $15
Habayis hasheni betifarto $15
Bechor shor - Torah $11
Hidden in thunder 2 vols $30

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The 39 Melochos

close to 70 sets have been sold. What are you waiting for?

Although not 100% confirmed yet, it looks like we will have this set for $85 (list $120) Email us @ to order.