The vaad Mivtza Bayis Molei Seforim is not a store but an organization to promote buying seforim. We can arrange a good price for you by using our international contacts in the seforim world. If there is a specific sefer that you would like please email Keep in mind that this blog is only meant to update you on the latest deals. Old posts do not indicate current price.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Peninei Ben Ish Chai

A great tool for speech writing and in general some very interesting stuff.
Our Price: $ 45.00

Ben Yehoyada

Written by Rabbeinu Yosef Chaim, the Chief Rabbi of Baghdad. This sefer is very useful for learning Aggadeta as he explains many things according to Kabbala.
Our Price: $ 46.00

Sefer Avoseinu

A compilation of all the Midrashim and Gemaras, written in story format and very easy to read and understand. This volume covers from Berias Haolam until Moshe Rabbeinus death.
Our Price: $15.00

Friday, February 15, 2008

ספר חסידים המפואר

Brand new edition of the classic Sefer Chasidim by R' Yehuda Hachasid, mistakes corrected and מראי מקומות added.
Our Price: $26.00

Shav Shmatsa Hamevueres

Our price:$21.00

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Talelei Oros - set 10 vols

Collected essays on the weekly Torah portion.
Our price:$ 85.00

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Otsros HaShabbos

This new sefer discusses hilchos shabbos based on the piskei dinim of the great poskim of the last 4 decades. Incl. R' Moshe feinstein, the minchas yitschak, R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and more.
Our price: $14.00

Otsar Divrei Haposkim -Taruvos

Very helpful for smicha. You used it for Bosor becholov. Now available on Taruvos too!

Our price: $16.00

Imre Deah

Written by 2 talmidei chachamim this sefer delves into the depths of Yore Deah.
Our price: $13.00

Ets Hadaas Tov

Ets Hadaas Tov by R' Chaim Vital. NON Kabbalah sefer from the days before he met with the Arizal! Printed for the first time from a handwritten manuscript.

Our price: $16.00

Yerios hachoshen

Yeriyos Hachoshen Biurim & haores on choshen mishpat.
Our price: $34.00

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Simla Chadasha


Chelkas Yoav

2 volumes. $ 25.00

Yalkut Hagershuni - Purim

Our price: $11.00

Torah Temima - small

our price: $ 21.00

Otsar Ha'agada

Our price: $44


5 Vol. Abarbanel al haTorah.
The cover is new, the print remained the same.
Our price: $45

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Minchas Chinuch

We are currently carrying the med. size.
Our Price: $48.00
*note: the large size is available upon request.

Levush Malchus

Our Price: $80.00

Kol Sifrei R' Yonasan Eibshitz

Our Price: $19.00

Seder Hadoros

Seder Hadoros, a classic on jewish history, including "Seder Tanaaim V'amoraim" and "Mechabrim V'seforim" in vol. 2.
Our Price: $27.00

Friday, February 1, 2008

Toldos Am Olam

The long awaited reprint of the classic toldos am olam has finally arrived. This series by Rabbi Rottenberg is one of the most comprehensive tools to learn/ teach Jewish history.
Our price: $ 13.50 per volume.

Al Hanissim

Read the story of Purim with all the details as mentioned in the Gemara, Midrash and meforshim with the ease of reading a novel. Written in modern Hebrew. Teachers love this book!

Our price $14.00

New Sefer!

Shluchim are grabbing this new volume of Torah vechaim to enhance their sermons with stories and parables from our sages. Our price $16.00
Note: There is only one other sefer in this series so far and it is currently not available.

New Signs!!

New signs have been posted on the wall, in the upstairs hallway of 770.
Check it out and you'll find the newest deals on seforim available!!!
Hurry in! Supplies are limited and prices are due (and will) change because of the price increase on seforim coming from Israel and due to the lowly state of our American Dollar$$$